



Remember, languages aren’t just a matter of speaking or listening, writing and reading.  

Languages are all of these and more!  Body language, culture, and attitude all play a role too.  So when we study, we need to make sure we are using a wide variety of styles and resources.  

Here’s a quick checklist to think about when you are studying at home or with friends:

  • Practical?  Is the language I’m focusing on useful and meaningful for me?  Reading Shakespeare, though interesting—is probably not the best for your English.

  • Mix it up.  Surf the net, listen to music, watch a soap opera, read a comic book!

  • Practice, practice, practice.  Having knowledge is not the same as using it.  Find somebody for tea or coffee, chat to yourself if you have to!

·        Use our blog and wiki to share and build on each other’s ideas; it’s also a great resource to post your own questions or find new helpful resources.

·        The best way to learn grammar is by using it.  So put away that big book and put on a movie or call up a friend.  An old fashioned journal (or online one!) can be a great and relaxing way of not just expressing yourself—but, yes—using grammar!

·        If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not learning.  If you think you have an accent, just remember I do too.  And, finally—you can’t have a conversation if you’re not listening.

·        Ultimately, you learn a language outside of the classroom.  While our course can help, you’re the one that will discover the best paths for you. 

     Good luck!